


Own a property available for long term rent in Budapest?

We take responsibility for marketing, showing, contracting, and monitoring our clients properties to get the best possible rates on the market. Working with a network of rental agents and listing the properties on several popular websites, we have the potential to provide a high occupancy of your investment property in Budapest. 

  • Are you sure you get the highest achievable rent for your apartment?
  • Are you sure you have a reliable tenant?

Get in touch with us and request a free consultation about the real rental potenatinal of you Budapest property!




Considering selling your apartment in Budapest?

Our dedicated sales team advertise your property for sale and find you a buyer at the best possible market price. We cooperate with other sales agencies as well in order to find you a buyer within the shortest time possible.

  • Do you know how recent market changes may influence the value of your property?
  • Are you sure you have an up-to-date picture about the realistic market price of you apartment?

Get a Free Valuation today!


Property Management:


Not satsfied with the performance of your investment in Budapest?

A professional and reliable property manager is key to get the most out of your oversas investment. We take full ownership for all the daily management tasks associated with managing a property. We supervise the tenant to ensure due care is taken of the property, make sure all bills are paid on time and and provide a full and transparent cash flow to clients to allow them to see the status of their propertys cash balance at all times. We provide an in-house handyman to replace or repair general items. All major repairs are first consulted with the client before proceeding.

  • Are you sure your apartment is managed propertly in Budapest?
  • Are you sure you reached the best achievable yield?

Read more about our Property Management Service!




Own 10 years old furniture?

An attractive furnitura can be key to target the best group of tenants on the market and even keep the rental value of your apartment. If required, we measure the flat and give quotes for our clients in several price categories. We furnish the apartment based on the quote chosen by the client so that when we hand it over to the tenant, the apartment is ready to move in.

  • Are you sure your property is attractive enough?
  • Do you remember when your furniture was purchased?

Contact us for a free consutation about your property today!




Get the most out of your overseas property investment!

Did you know that you can reach significant growth in rental fee with some clever upgrade of the property? Scratched floor, worn kitchen furniture, old bathroom interior or dirty walls can count a lot when a potential tenant has better options too... Our renovation team has experience in managing partial and full renovation projects from simple paintings to complete remodelling of the apartment.

  • Do you know the date when your property was painted?
  • Are you sure your property is in an acceptable shape?

Consider some investment and reach higher return on your Budapest property!


Energy Certificate:


Did you know that this is necessary?

Providing an energy certificate is not an option any more, it is a must, according to current regulations in Hungary. We can arrange an energy certificate preparation with a professional in case of letting or selling your property.

Get in toch for more information!


Legal Advisory:


Need legal assistance?

Our legal representatives are available if required to help clients with any legal issues needing attention. Even if it is a heritage or a bad tenant issue, our partner solicitor is well prepared and experienced to help you to reach the best outcome of the situation.

Stop studying Hungarian regulations! Get professional help today!


Tax Advisory & Accounting:


Did you know that you have to pay tax after your Budapest rental income in Hungary?

According to double-taxation treaties you have to pay your income occured in Hungary to the Hungarian tax authorities. If the client needs, we can provide a full tax and accounting service to be sure your books are kept in order. Hungary is notorious for regular and constant changes to its lengthy tax code and as such we advise clients to make sure they have representation this this regard.

  • Are you sure your personal income tax issues are in order in Hungary?
  • Are you sure your building tax is paid to the local government?

Request professional support! Our accountant is at your service!


Contact us

Contact Us

Contact us

Send Enquiry

Managerent Kft.
1132 Budapest, Váci út 22-24. 3.em.
Phone: +36 1 877 6200


Considering Selling Your Budapest Property?

Request a no-obligation valuation from our expert!